
About domain levels#

Domain level indicates that server is capable of doing certain operations. Domain levels allows to migrate to a never version of freeIPA and activate new features when all servers are migrated and compatible with that particular feature. The domain level has to be increased manually, it is not raised during upgrade.

Details on design page

Current domain level#

To get value of current domain level, please execute the following command:

$ ipa  domainlevel-get
Current domain level: 0

Increase domain level#

To increase domain level, please use the following command:

$ ipa domainlevel-set 1
Current domain level: 1

Current domain levels#

Domain level

Introduced in version




compatible domain level with older IPA versions



Replica promotion, Topology management plug in


Replica promotion#

Details on design page

Howto install replica: release notes 4.3.0

Topology management plugin#

Details on design page