

External CA and CA-less installer command line options related to certificate files are sometimes hard to use and often confusing to users. Users are required to convert certificate files to the right format before they can use them in installers. In CA-less install, users also have to choose the right CA certificate to trust and make a file containing only this certificate, both of which can be done automatically.

Improve the situation by being more generous in accepted file formats and automatically handling whatever can be handled automatically.

Use Cases#

External CA install#

  • Automatically determine which certificate is IPA CA certificate

  • Use 1, 2, or more certificate files in PEM, DER or PKCS#7 format

CA-less install#

  • Automatically determine which CA certificate to trust

  • Use 1 or more certificate files in PEM, DER, PKCS#7 or PKCS#12 format and 1 private key file in PKCS#1, PKCS#8 or PKCS#12 format


External CA install#

Replace --external_cert_file and --external_ca_file options of ipa-server-install with a single --external-cert-file option. The option must be specified one or more times and accepts PEM files containing one or more certificates, DER certificate files and PKCS#7 files. The combined files from the option must contain the IPA CA certificate and the whole CA certificate chain of the IPA CA certificate’s issuer. IPA CA certificate will be automatically picked from the available certificates.

CA-less install#

Replace --dirsrv_pkcs12 and --http_pkcs12 options of ipa-server-install and ipa-replica-prepare with --dirsrv-cert-file and --http-cert-file options. Each of the options must be specified one or more times and accept PEM file containing one or more certificates and/or zero or one private keys, DER certificate files and PKCS#7 and PKCS#12 files. The combined files from each of the options must contain exactly one private key and one server certificate and may contain the whole or part of CA certificate chain of the server certificate’s issuer.

Rename --dirsrv_pin and --http_pin of ipa-server-install and ipa-replica-prepare to --dirsrv-pin and --http-pin for consistency. Note that in addition to PKCS#12 files, PKCS#1 and PKCS#8 files may also be PIN protected.

Add --ca-cert-file option to ipa-server-install. The option may be specified one or more times and accepts PEM files containing one or more certificates, DER certificate files and PKCS#7 files. The combined files may contain the whole or part of CA certificate chain of the DS and HTTP server certificate’s issuer.

Remove --root-ca-file option of ipa-server-install. The option is useless, because the trusted CA must always be the issuer of the DS and HTTP server certificates. The CA certificate will be picked automatically from the certificates specified by --dirsrv-cert-file, --http-cert-file and --ca-cert-file.

Update ipa-server-certinstall to follow the above convention as well.


A method for importing groups of files was added to the CertDB class. PEM and DER certificate files and PKCS#12 files are imported directly. PKCS#7 files are converted to certificate in PEM format using openssl pkcs7 and imported. PKCS#1 and PKCS#8 private key files are converted to PKCS#12 using openssl pkcs8 and openssl pkcs12 and imported.

The old command line options of ipa-server-install and ipa-replica-prepare are hidden and kept for backward compatibility.

Feature Management#






See the design.



How to Test#

Easy to follow instructions how to test the new feature. FreeIPA user needs to be able to follow the steps and demonstrate the new features.

The chapter may be divided in sub-sections per Use Case.

Test Plan#

Test scenarios that will be transformed to test cases for FreeIPA Continuous Integration during implementation or review phase. This can be also link to source in cgit with the test, if appropriate.

RFE Author#

Jan Cholasta