

Having installed schema in one file and schema updates in other file(s) is error prone and causes issues as #3398.

We should instead base updates on the schema files and have the updater validate current DS schema with the LDIF file and amend the schema.

Use Cases#

Upgrade IPA from a previous version. The upgrade and the upgraded IPA work without problems.

The behavior does not change, except for content of logs and arguments of an internal tool.


We use a process that Simo suggested:

  • Download schema from server

  • Parse the schema files and check if each attribute and objectclass is present and in the correct form.

  • If any attribute is missing, we add it

  • If any attribute has been changed, we change it

  • Same for object classes.

python-ldap’s convenience classes are be used to make the comparing easier.

The X-ORIGIN tag of any added or changed attribute is set to the current IPA version. (This is partly for technical reasons: python-ldap doesn’t parse X-ORIGIN).


No additional requirements or changes discovered during the implementation phase.

Feature Management#




See the “configuration options and enablement” section for info on manual upgrades.

Major configuration options and enablement#

The ipa-ldap-updater command will grow two more options:

  • --schema: Also update the LDAP schema. If no --schema-file is specified, update to the built-in IPA schema.

  • --schema-file=FILE.ldif: Specify a schema file. May be used multiple times. Implies --schema.

In --upgrade mode, --schema is assumed.

Note that the ipa-ldap-updater command is not intended for end users.



Updates and Upgrades#

Please read this whole document for information on this feature’s impact on upgrades :)


This will add a dependency on python-ldap’s schema parser. We already depend on python-ldap (though mostly through our wrapper).

External Impact#


Backup and Restore#


Test Plan#

Existing upgrade tests should be enough; functionality should be unchanged.