

Global Catalog is a special service that exposes information about objects in FreeIPA domain in a way expected by the clients enrolled to Active Directory environments. Active Directory domain controllers and other systems use Global Catalog to search across the potentially multi-domain forest for the information about users, groups, machines, and other types of objects.

The information stored in the Global Catalog represents a subset of the information available at the specific domain controllers in Active Directory. As such, it is only accessible for read-only purposes. Any change to the information shall come through the domain controllers responsible for a domain in question.

The information stored in the Global Catalog are provisioned from a Freeipa LDAP instance (aka primary instance). The Global Catalog is available with an other LDAP instance known as AD instance. primary and secondary instances do not share the same schema, so there is required transformation of the provisioned LDAP entry to conform Global Catalog needs.

This document describes the provisioning from primary instance and the transformation of entries on the AD instance.

Use Case#


FreeIPA Global Catalog service is a read-only LDAP service available over port 3268. This service runs on a AD LDAP instance that use a schema compatible with Active Directory LDAP schema. Entries in AD instance are provisioned from a primary freeipa ldap instance, that runs a different schema. So provisioned entries are crafted to conform the AD instance schema.

The consequence of running different schema is that it is not possible to use regular multimaster replication between the primary and AD LDAP instances. In fact multimaster replication, replicates the schema. The provisioning relies content synchronization (RFC4533) supported by 389-ds since 1.3.5.

The LDAP entries exposed on Global Catalog represents a subset of the information available at primary instance and also adaptation of the attributes/objectclass to conforms the AD instance. The transformation (remove/add/modification of attributes/objectclass) will be done by plugins running on AD instance. These plugins will do the same jobs as slapi-nis


Provisioning relies on content synchronization (RFC4533). This mechanism is triggered when a client sends a SEARCH request with a Sync request control. The synchronization is done via a dedicated client thread, that will run RefreshandPersist mode (see RefreshAndPersist) with or without cookie.

Content synchronization protocol elements#

Sync Request Control#

This control is used in the search request to trigger a content synchronization

syncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE {
      mode ENUMERATED {
          -- 0 unused
          refreshOnly       (1),
          -- 2 reserved
          refreshAndPersist (3)
      cookie     syncCookie OPTIONAL,

Sync Info Message#

syncInfoValue ::= CHOICE {
       newcookie      [0] syncCookie,
       refreshDelete  [1] SEQUENCE {
           cookie         syncCookie OPTIONAL,
           refreshDone    BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE
       refreshPresent [2] SEQUENCE {
           cookie         syncCookie OPTIONAL,
           refreshDone    BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE
       syncIdSet      [3] SEQUENCE {
           cookie         syncCookie OPTIONAL,
           refreshDeletes BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
           syncUUIDs      SET OF syncUUID

In RefreshAndPersist mode, the refresh stage does not end with a SearchResultDone but with refreshDone (refreshDelete or refreshPresent) and a newcookie.

In persist stage, when multiple entries are deleted, it uses several sync info messages with refreshDeletes=TRUE and the set of syncUUIDs deleted.

Sync state control#

syncStateValue ::= SEQUENCE {
    state ENUMERATED {
        present (0),
        add (1),
        modify (2),
        delete (3)
    entryUUID syncUUID,
    cookie    syncCookie OPTIONAL

In persist stage, for each updated entry/reference is send in a SearchResultEntry/SearchResultReference message with sync state control. The control contains the entryUUID. For ADD entry, state is add. For MOD/MODDN entry, state is modify. For DEL entry, state is delete.

Note: in this implementation we assume we will not receive SearchResultReference message.

Refresh stage#

During refresh stage, the synchronization client thread will receive ldap messages containing entries with sync state control. The control state is either Present or Delete. A set of Present entry messages is known as Present phase. A set of Delete entry message is known as Delete phase. XXX Not clear if phases are clearly separated or we can receive Present-Delete-Present for example XXX.

If no cookie is provided (initial content), only Present sync state control are received. Then the primary server will end the Refresh phase sending an intermediate message to switch to persistent phase.

If a cookie is provided (content update), the primary server starts with Delete phase sending all entries deleted since the cookie timestamp. They are send with intermediate message(s) (tag LDAP_TAG_SYNC_ID_SET) XXsync_send_deleted_entriesXX. Then the server enters in a Present phase sending all entries that have been added/modified/moddn since the cookie timestamp. They are send with LDAP_RES_SEARCH_ENTRY msg with sync control.

Persistant stage#
