

FreeIPA uses for all DNS subsystem related operations a BIND plugin bind-dyndb-ldap. That plugin configures BIND using data from LDAP DB and synchronizes . Due this purpose bind-dyndb-ldap heavily uses internal BIND API and BIND hacks to be able to do all requirements. The more features FreeIPA contains the harder is maintain this plugin and keep up to date with newer versions of BIND DNS server. Basically we stuck with adding new features due plugin maintainability.

However configuration of BIND server can be extracted from bind-dyndb-ldap plugin and moved to separated BIND configuration daemon which will modify directly named.conf and uses ``rndc`` utils to adding/removing and reloading zones and configuration. With configuration daemon the bind-dyndb-plugin should serve only as synchronization mechanism for records in zones.

Use Cases#

List of all DNS operation that are done by FreeIPA and have effect to BIND:

Synchronization of DNS records#

  • copying DNS records from to LDAP DB to BIND

  • copying DNS records from BIND to LDAP DB

  • creating reverse records from A records (dnszone-mod –allow-sync-ptr=BOOL; dnsconfig-mod –allow-sync-ptr=BOOL)

Managing master zones#

  • creating new zones in BIND (source LDAP DB)

  • removing zones from BIND (added by FreeIPA)

  • enable/disable zone (dnszone-{enable|disable})

  • setting default TTL per zone (dnszone-mod –default-ttl=INT)

  • setting forwarders per zone (dnszone-mod –forwarders=STR)

  • setting forward-policy per zone (dnszone-mod –forward-policy=ENUM)

  • setting update-policy (dnszone-mod –update-policy=STR)

  • setting allow-query per zone (dnszone-mod –allow-query=STR)

  • setting allow-transfer per zone (dnszone-mod –allow-transfer=STR)

  • enabling DNSSEC inline signing per zone (dnszone-mod –dnssec=BOOL)

  • setting NSEC3PARAM record (dnszone-mod –nsec3param-rec=STR)

Managing forward zones#

  • creating new zones in BIND (source LDAP DB)

  • removing zones from BIND (added by FreeIPA)

  • enable/disable zone (dnsforwardzone-{enable|disable})

  • set forwarders (dnsforwardzone-mod –forwarder=STR)

  • set forward-policy (dnsforwardzone-mod –forward-policy=ENUM)

BIND configuration (global and per DNS server)#

  • set global forward policy (dnsconfig-mod –forward-policy=ENUM)

  • set global forwarders (dnsconfig-mod –forwarder=STR)

BIND configuration (per server)#

  • SOA mname (authoritative server) override (dnsserver-mod –soa-mname-override=DNSNAME)

IPA DNS Locations#

  • CNAME record mappings per server, generated dynamically in BIND


  • There is no need for special care, BIND does inline zone signing automatically when configured. There is quite big code implemented on bind-dyndb-ldap side but it is caused by using BIND internal API otherwise it can be replace by one line in named.conf





Feature Management#


Same as now, no changes expected (ipa dns* commands).


Same as now, no changes expected (ipa dns* commands).





How to Use#

No changes to current usage of DNS features.

Test Plan#