

AD users are able to use CLI after they obtain Kerberos ticket. It would be useful to allow them also using WebUI.

Use Cases#

As AD user I want to see my certificates or SSH keys in FreeIPA using WebUI.

As AD user I want to add SSH key to my FreeIPA profile.


Only AD user self-service is supported. The self-service contains the same fields as idoverrideuser facet. New menu specification is needed (we’ve already had one for FreeIPA admin, one for FreeIPA user self-service). The new one serves for all AD users (admins and users). For determining which menu specification should be shown is used new ipa whoami command (V4/Who Am I Command).

Each AD user who wants to log in FreeIPA WebUI has to have created idoverrideuser. In case that one does not have created the iduseroverride then the log in is not possible.


After loging in, the WebUI calls ipa whoami command which returns the name of object which is trying to log in. With this information the WebUI also receive the command name and necessary arguments which needs to be passed to that command to get the information about logged identity. According to these, the WebUI choose which menu specification should be displayed.

In case of AD user, the ipa idoverrideuser-show command is called.

Feature Management#


New menu specification for AD users which shows idoverrideuser facet with changed titles to ‘Profile’.




Each AD user which wants to log in into FreeIPA WebUI has to have created idoverrideuser.


How to Use#

  • Establish trust between FreeIPA server and AD.

  • Create AD user on AD machine

  • Create ID User Override on FreeIPA server, where the id override user name is

$ ipa idoverrideuser-add "Default Trust View"
Added User ID override ""
Anchor to override:

Test Plan#