


Ticket #2660 installer code should use ldap2

This is important to do. We really should have just one API and set of classes for dealing with LDAP. For the DN work we had to refactor a fair amount of code in order to force most things to funnel through one common code location. Because ldap is so decentralized and we had so many different APIs, classes, etc it was a large chunk of work and is only partially completed, it got a lot better but it wasn’t finished.

The primary thing which needs to be resolved is our use of Entity and Entry classes. There never should have been two almost identical classes. One or both of Entity/Entry needs to be removed.

As it stands now we have two basic ways we access ldap results. In the installer code it’s mostly via Entity/Entry objects. But in the server code (ldpa2) it’s done by accessing the data as returned by the python ldap module (e.g. list of (DN, attr_dict) tuples).

We need to decide which of the two basic interfaces we’re going to use and converge on it. Each approach has merits. But 3 different API’s for interacting with ldap is 2 too many.

Use Cases#



Entry representation#

LDAP entries will be encapsulated in objects. These will perform type checking and validation (ticket #2357). They should grow from ldap2.LDAPEntry (which is currently just a “dn, data” namedtuple).

These objects will behave like a dict of lists:

entry[attrname] = [value]
attrname in entry
del entry[attrname]
entry.keys(), .values(), .items()  # but NOT `for key in entry`, see below`

The keys are case-insensitive but case-preserving.

We’ll use lists for all attributes, even single-valued ones, because “single-valuedness” can change.

The object should also “rembember” its original set of attributes, so we don’t have to retrieve them from LDAP again when it’s updated.

The connection/backend class#

We’ll continue to use the ldap2 plugin for “normal” connections, and the IPAdmin class for connections that need special authentication or happen before the server is configured (or after is unconfigured). Most of the code and API will be common, and inherited from a new ipapython.ipaldap.LDAPConnection class. The common API will match the current ldap2 API. The common code will move to ipapython, so that it is also available to the client installer.

ldap2 has some overly specific “helper” methods like remove_principal_key or modify_password. We shouldn’t add new ones, and the existing ones should be moved away eventually.

Backwards compatibility, porting#

For compatibility with existing plugins, the LDAPEntry object will unpack to a tuple:

`` dn, entry_attrs = entry``

(the entry_attrs can be entry itself, so we keep the object’s validation powers.)

The legacy Entry interface (toTupleList, toDict, setValues, data, origDataDict, …) will be temporarily added to LDAPEntry. Code will be moved away from using it.

The backwards compatibility stuff should be removed as soon as it’s unused.

Of course code using the raw python-ldap API will also be converted to ldap2.


No additional requirements or changes discovered during the implementation phase.

Feature Managment#


Major configuration options and enablement#




Updates and Upgrades#




External Impact#


Design page authors#

Pviktorin, jdennis