
NetApp integration with IPA in a mixed environment

Provided by: Sigbjorn Lie

Configure the DNS client#

Configure the NetApp’s DNS client to point to a set of DNS servers that knows both your AD and your IPA DNS domain. Configure the DNS search path to point at both the IPA domain, and the AD domain (if you have a different DNS domain for your IPA and AD instances)

Configure the CIFS server#

Join the CIFS server to the AD domain:

# cifs setup

Follow the prompts.

Configure the LDAP client#

Setup the LDAP client To list:

# options ldap

To configure each value:

# options ldap.option value

I use authenticated simple binds. I have created an account for the NetApp filers under cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,$BASE for this purpose. The LDAP attribute mapping options can be left as standard. You need to specify the compat tree for group, and netgroup lookups. Users need to be pointed to the accounts tree.

Specify each user/group/ng lookup path fully (e.g. I do NOT specify the base DN and request subtree for lookups).

Configure the “options ldap.enabled” after setting up the account used for the LDAP bind and after configuring all the other options. Leave “ldap.ADdomain” blank.

This is an example of my configuration:

ldap.base                    dc=example,dc=com              cn=groups,cn=compat,dc=example,dc=com
ldap.base.netgroup           cn=ng,cn=compat,dc=example,dc=com
ldap.base.passwd             cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
ldap.enable                  on
ldap.minimum_bind_level      simple                    uid=netapp,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=example,dc=com
ldap.nssmap.attribute.gecos  gecos
ldap.nssmap.attribute.gidNumber gidNumber
ldap.nssmap.attribute.groupname cn
ldap.nssmap.attribute.homeDirectory homeDirectory
ldap.nssmap.attribute.loginShell loginShell
ldap.nssmap.attribute.memberNisNetgroup memberNisNetgroup
ldap.nssmap.attribute.memberUid memberUid
ldap.nssmap.attribute.netgroupname cn
ldap.nssmap.attribute.nisNetgroupTriple nisNetgroupTriple
ldap.nssmap.attribute.uid    uid
ldap.nssmap.attribute.uidNumber uidNumber
ldap.nssmap.attribute.userPassword userPassword
ldap.nssmap.objectClass.nisNetgroup nisNetgroup
ldap.nssmap.objectClass.posixAccount posixAccount
ldap.nssmap.objectClass.posixGroup posixGroup
ldap.passwd                  ******
ldap.port                    389
ldap.ssl.enable              off
ldap.timeout                 20
ldap.usermap.attribute.unixaccount uid
ldap.usermap.attribute.windowsaccount ntUserDomainId
ldap.usermap.base            cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
ldap.usermap.enable          on

NOTE: I have been unable to get the LDAP SSL client of NetApp to work with IPA as of yet. I have opened a support case with NetApp for this issue. Not really a big issue as users password are not being transmitted. To make of of SSL NetApp’s documentation is to upload the CA certificate in PEM format into /etc on the filer and use the keymgr command to import it. After uploading the CA cert SSL is enabled using “options ldap.ssl.enable on”.

Testing the LDAP client#

Grant yourself advanced privileges on the filer “priv set advanced”, and use the “getXXbyYY” command to verify that the LDAP naming services works as expected for users, groups and netgroups.

Configure nsswitch.conf#

If the previous test was successful: Configure the NetApp’s nsswitch.conf (using the filer webui is the easiest, you can also edit the file using NFS: filer:/vol/rootvol/etc/nsswitch.conf or by using CIFS). Specify “files” before “ldap” for passwd, group, and netgroup. Configure hosts to use “files” before “dns”.

You should now have a working AD (CIFS) and IPA (NFS) setup.

AD - IPA username mapping#

If you syncronize IPA with AD, the ntUserDomainId attribute in IPA will be set to AD’s sAMAccountName. You may also use a script to sync this attribute manually. Having the ntUserDomainId attribute available will allow for automatic user mapping in the NetApp filer when Windows CIFS users connect. The username may be the same, but the NetApp’s user mapping has been seen to be case sensitive in our environment. Syncing the sAMAccountName from AD into IPA’s ntUserDomainId attribute fixed these issue for us.

You have to enable the “ldap.usermap.enable” option on the NetApp filer to enable username mapping lookup from LDAP.

Category:How to Category:Draft documentation