HowTo/Setup FreeIPA Services for MacOS X 10.12 and 10.13
DNS Setup#
Go to System Preferences>Network
Select top priority network and click Advanced…
Select DNS
Add your IPA server’s IP Address
Click OK
Click Apply
Or, configure your DHCP service to set your IPA server as primary DNS.
SSL Setup#
Download the ca.crt from the IPA server
Open terminal
cd ~/desktop
Doubleclick the ‘ca.crt’ file
Add to the System keychain
Locate certificate within Keychain Access
Doubleclick the certificate
Expand Trust
Change System Default to Always Trust
Exit Keychain Access and authenticate to apply changes
Move the ca.crt file to /etc/ipa
Kerberos Setup#
Edit/create the file /etc/krb5.conf as shown below:
default_realm = YOURDOMAIN.COM
allow_weak_crypto = yes
dns_lookup_realm = true
dns_lookup_kdc = true
rdns = false
ticket_lifetime = 24h
forwardable = yes
renewable = true
kdc = tcp/
admin_server = tcp/
pkinit_anchors = FILE:/etc/ipa/ca.crt
Edit /etc/pam.d/authorization as shown below:
# authorization: auth account
auth optional use_first_pass use_kcminit default_principal
auth sufficient use_first_pass default_principal
auth required use_first_pass nullok
account required
Edit screensaver and passwd as shown below
#cat > /etc/pam.d/screensaver << 'EOF'
auth optional use_first_pass use_kcminit
auth optional use_first_pass use_kcminit default_principal
auth sufficient use_first_pass default_principal
auth required use_first_pass nullok
account required
account sufficient
account required no_warn group=admin,wheel fail_safe
account required no_warn deny group=admin,wheel ruser fail_safe
#cat > /etc/pam.d/passwd << 'EOF'
password sufficient
auth required
account required
password required
session required
Verify by running “kinit username”
IPA Enrollment#
Name workstation#
Open terminal
sudo scutil –set HostName
Add via freeIPA web console#
Open IPA web console (
Sign on as a Directory Manager
Go to Identity > Hosts
Click the + Add button
Enter the workstation’s hostname (e.g., Book001)
Add current primary IP address (terminal > # ifconfig)
Click the Add and Edit button.
Add the workstation’s MAC addresses
Generate keytab on IPA server#
su root
kinit admin
ipa-getkeytab -s -p host/ -k ~/workstation.keytab
To test that the keytab successfully retrieved and stored in ~/workstation.keytab, run ipa host-show workstation
The previous should return,
Host name: Principal name: host/
MAC address: 00:00:00:AA:1B:14
Password: False
Keytab: True
Managed by:
Retrieve keytab from server#
From the workstation run sftp
sftp> get workstation.keytab /etc/krb5.keytab
sftp> exit
chown root:wheel /etc/krb5.keytab
chmod 0600 /etc/krb5.keytab
Verify on freeIPA web GUI that Kerberos key is present (Identity > Host > workstation)
Directory Utility Setup#
On workstation, go to System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Options
Set the following:
Automatic login: off
Display login window as: Name and password
Show fast user switching menu as Full Name
Click Join… beside Network Account Server
Enter “”
Click Continue
Verify Allow network users to log in at login window is selected
Click on Options… beside the previous setting
Verify All network users is selected
Next to Network Account Server, click Edit…
Click Open Directory Utility
Edit LDAPv3
Select and choose Edit…
Set the following:
Open/close times out in 5 seconds
Query times out in 5 seconds
Connection idles out in 1 minute
Encrypt using SSL (selected)
From the edit window opened in previous step (Connection), click Search & Mappings
Add record type Groups and map to ‘ipausergroup’
Add PrimaryGroupID attribute to Groups and map to ‘gidNumber’
Add RecordName attribute to Groups and map to ‘cn’
Add record type Users and map to the following:
Within the record type Users add the following with the mappings shown on the right:
Attribute |
Mapping |
AuthenticationAuthority |
uid |
GeneratedUID |
GeneratedUID |
HomeDirectory |
#/Users/$uid$ |
NFSHomeDirectory |
#/Users/$uid$ |
PrimaryGroupID |
gidNumber |
RealName |
cn |
RecordName |
uid |
UniqueID |
uidNumber |
UserShell |
loginShell |
Verify the search base for both Record Types is “dc=yourdomain,dc=com”
Verify all subtrees is selected for both Record Types
Click OK button to save and return to server list
Click OK again
Click on Search Policy
Verify “/LDAPV3/” is listed beneath “/Local/Default”
Close open windows
Open terminal and run test “dscacheutil -q user -a name yourusername”
Allow Mobile Accounts A User Profile#
From a terminal, run ‘chmod 0777 /Users’
Make Accounts Mobile (Off-network Access)#
From a terminal, run ‘sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/ -n username’
If FileVault already enabled#
fdesetup add -usertoadd username
Enter user’s password at prompt
Migrate User Profile for Mobile Account#
sudo su root
ditto old_userprofile new_userprofile
chown -R new_username:staff new_userprofile
After login as the new mobile account, update keychain password to mobile account’s
Alternative method: backup user profile with time machine and migrate user profile to network account
Mobile/Network Account Known Issues#
On OS X 10.13.x, a mobile account fails to build a profile at initial login
Workaround: create a local account, build profile, change local account to mobile
Cannot change mobile/network account password from login desktop
Changing password from IPA website does not sync with keychain:
The keychain may not update if Update selected
Run Keychain Access and manually set password from edit menu
Workaround: change password from System Preferences > Users & Groups
Changing password from IPA website does not update passphrase for disk encryption via FileVault
Workaround: change password from System Preferences > Users & Groups
Mobile users created after enabling FileVault cannot log in until another account decrypts the drive
Fix: Enable User from System Preferences > Security & Privacy > FileVault
Cannot login to mobile account while offline with OS X 10.11
Fix: Upgrade to OS X 10.12
Migrate User Profile Issues#
Chrome extensions shortcuts are broken, if absolute path used to define
Chrome download folder requires manual adjustment, if absolute path defines
Cloud storage services generally fail to sync due to file path change
Fix path within application
DropBox requires the old path before allowing access to settings
Adobe CC products require re-install
Configuring Multiple Workstations#
This process can be significantly faster after an initial workstation setup:
Instead of manually configuring authorization, passwd, and screensaver, just copy working versions of them to /etc/pam.d
Similarly, copy a working version of krb5.conf to /etc.
Instead of manually configuring the LDAP mappings, copy the contents of /Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory from a workstation with the desired mappings and paste to the same location on a workstation being configured after joining the workstation to your IPA server.