
In order to authenticate against Redmine, read Redmine LDAP guide first. Information specific to FreeIPA follows.


Redmine can use LDAP in 2 modes. Let’s call them “Basic” and “Full”. Basic is easier to configure, while Full gives better user experience.

It’s recommended to start with Basic configuration, and after it’s verified, add the missing information for Full configuration.

Basic Configuration#

Name: whatever you want
Host: your ldap server name (e.g., "ldap_server", or "")
Port: 636
LDAPS: check
Account: leave empty
Password: leave empty
Base DN: cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
LDAP filter: leave empty
On-the-fly user creation: check
Login attribute: uid
Firstname/Lastname/Email attributes: leave empty

That’s it! Click “Save”; and then “Test”, you should get “Successful connection”.

Now you have working LDAP authentication. Logout and test it.

You don’t have LDAP synchronization. I.e., whenever a new user login, he will have to manually fill in his details - First/Last names and mail.

Full Configuration#

Full Configuration adds in synchronization, so whenever a new user logins, Redmine will “know” everything it wants about it.

Did you read HowTo/LDAP “System Accounts” section? Redmine needs a system account.

Add the following fields: (after creating the System Account, named redmine in this example):

Account: uid=redmine,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=example,dc=com
Firstname attribute: givenName
Lastname attribute: sn
Email attribute: mail

Again - save, logout and login.

If you made mistake - you’ll lose even the Basic configuration capabilities. But it’s easy to go back - just delete the extra fields.

That’s all!

Category:How to