


These tools are offering opportunity to easily try out FreeIPA in virtual machines environment. And it could be done within a few clicks. Whole process is divided into two parts, each covered by one script.

First part - covered by ipa-base-prepare script - takes care of preparing base images. The base image is common for all virtual machines and thus reduce time needed to create whole testing environment.

Second part is covered by ipa-demo script. It takes base image, creates the virtual machines and installs and configures the FreeIPA on all machines.

The environment consists of three virtual machines (one server and two clients) by default, but the number of clients could by set to higher one.


Both scripts were tested on Fedora 15 x86_64 and RHEL 6.1 x86_64 systems. These packages are required:


(Optionally you can install virt-manager and/or virt-viewer)

Hardware (this configuration allowed us to run smoothly all three VMs as well as use system):

10GB of disk free space
CPU dual-core with virtualization support

One virtual machine is supposed to use one CPU and 1GB RAM. Disk images has growing size with maximum size set to 10GB.

Get It

Both scripts with all necessary files are located in git repository here. You can download them through web interface or using git:

git clone

Easiest way to try out

Now we’ll show the easiest way to try out FreeIPA:

  • Get the scripts and extract them into a directory.

git clone
cd demo
  • You must be root to run the scripts:


``./ --createbase --repo $selected_repository ``
  • Prepare installation image:

./ --installipa

  • Create virtual machines and prepare whole environment (disk images will be saved in /var/lib/libvirt/images)


  • When the installation finishes, it prints out all necessary instruction on how to connect to virtual machines

  • As a next step you can try to set up MediaWiki to run against FreeIPA. This tutorial should help you: Setting up MediaWiki to run against FreeIPA.


Ipa-base-prepare can create base image, update it and prepare image that has freeipa-server installed and is ready to be used by ipa-demo script for creating virtual machines. It generates own ssh key which is then used in further steps for running commands on virtual machines. Created base images are saved in directory called ‘archive’. File names of base images are in this format ‘f15-ipa-demo-base.$date.qcow2’. $date is used for discovering most actual base image. Base image ready for installation is called ‘ipa-ready-image’. Script arguments:

Mandatory arguments:

Optional arguments:

  • –imgdir - specify different directory for lookup/storing of base images

  • –sshkey - specify ssh key to be used by script instead of newly generated key

  • –base - specify base image. If you want to update base image or prepare installation base image from base image of your own choice.

  • -h, –help - prints out help


  • Create base image, use existing ssh key and other than default repository

./ --createbase --repo --sshkey /home/user/.ssh/key_rsa


Ipa-demo takes image called ‘ipa-ready-image.qcow2’ and uses it as a base image for creating virtual machines. Images of virtual machines are saved in ‘/var/lib/libvirt/images/’ directory by default, but user can specify his own directory. Script also needs private ssh key to access virtual machines in order to run necessary installation scripts. He seeks for the key in ‘cert’ subdirectory of his working directory, but user can specify which key to use. Script arguments are:

  • –base - specify base image. If you want to update base image or prepare installation base image from base image of your own choice.

  • –sshkey - specify ssh key to be used by script

  • –imgdir - specify directory for storing disk images, directory must exist (by default /var/lib/libvirt/images)

  • –clients - specify number of clients (by default 2)

  • -h, –help - prints out help


  • Ipa-demo takes specified base image and ssh key and creates five virtual machines (one server and four clients) whose disk images are stored in ‘images’ subdirectory

./ --base /mnt/storage/ipa-ready-image.qcow2 --sshkey /home/user/.ssh/key_rsa --imgdir images --clients 4