


The first implementation of the trusts solution takes SID of the user entry and uses a special algorithm to create unique UID for the user. The similar approach is used for GID. This works fine for the deployments that do not have POSIX attributes defined in AD.

Use Cases#

In the cases when POSIX attributes are defined in AD there are usually already clients that leverage these attributes so switching to the SID -> UID/GID model is not acceptable. Instead IPA and SSSD should be able to respect the POSIX attributes defined in the AD.


Exteding ID Range schema to support various types of ID Ranges#


The schema has been extended to support various range types. A new attribute ipaRangeType has been added to the schema.

attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaRangeType' DESC 'Range type' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SUBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v3' )

The ipaIDrange objectclass now requires the ipaRangeType attribute:

objectClasses: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaIDrange' ABSTRACT MUST ( cn $ ipaBaseID $ ipaIDRangeSize $ ipaRangeType ) X-ORIGIN 'IPA v3' )

Allowed values#

The ipaRangeType must obtain exactly one of the following values:

  • ipa-local for a local domain range

  • ipa-ad-winsync for Active Directory winsync range

  • ipa-ad-trust: for Active Directory domain range

  • ipa-ad-trust-posix for Active Directory trust range with POSIX attributes

  • ipa-ipa-trust for IPA trust range

This is enforced via CLI and UI validation, not in LDAP itself.

Detecting the ID range type for the AD trusted domain#

To avoid the need of specifying the range parameters, such as type, range size and base, we query the AD DC.

Depending on whether the users/groups defined have specified UID and GID POSIX attributes, we create a range of appropriate type during the execution of trust-add command.

Connecting to the AD#

This code will need to access AD Global Catalog service which implies authentication. Such authentication should be done using Kerberos ticket with MS-PAC attached, or trusted account like we currently do.

MS-PAC is not currently attached to HTTP/fqdn or host/fqdn tickets and we cannot use user’s ticket due to fact that our KDC does not allow wide open S42Proxy relay to other domain for HTTP/fqdn. See the related ticket:

Obtaining information on use of POSIX attributes in AD#

Information on the can be obtained conducting the following ldapsearch:

# ``\ ``, ypservers, ypServ30, RpcServices, System,
dn: CN=idm,CN=ypservers,CN=ypServ30,CN=RpcServices,CN=System,DC=idm,DC=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: msSFU30DomainInfo
cn: idm
distinguishedName: CN=idm,CN=ypservers,CN=ypServ30,CN=RpcServices,CN=System,DC=idm,DC=com
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20130625220322.0Z
whenChanged: 20130626190645.0Z
uSNCreated: 53308
uSNChanged: 61507
showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE
name: idm
objectGUID:: 7ntK3glNqE2KGmHY1SePWQ==
objectCategory: CN=msSFU-30-Domain-Info,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=idm,DC=com
dSCorePropagationData: 16010101000000.0Z
msSFU30MasterServerName: tbad
msSFU30OrderNumber: 10000
msSFU30Domains: idm
msSFU30MaxGidNumber: 10001
msSFU30MaxUidNumber: 10002

ID base detection#

Attribute msSFU30OrderNumber holds the base from which AD starts automatically assigning UID/GID numbers. Please note that any manual intervention will not be reflected in this attribute, so changing an user’s UID to 9800 manually will not change the value of this attribute.

Range size detection#

Attributes msSFU30MaxUidNumber and msSFU30MaxGidNumber hold the value of next available UID/GID.

Detecting the range type#

When dealing with the AD trust, we need to only decide between ipa-ad-trust type and ipa-ad-trust-posix type.

We can use presence of msSFU30MaxUidNumber and msSFU30MaxGidNumber attributes as an indicator that there exists an user with POSIX attributes defined.



Feature Management#


TODO: ipaRangeType needs to be made available via UI.

TODO: range_type needs to be made available via UI.



An –type option has been added to the idrange-add command. Note that idrange-mod does not have this option. Since –type corrseponds to ipaRangeType attribute, the allowed value is any of the allowed values for ipaRangeType attribute.


An –range-type option has been added to the trust-add command. All range types except ipa-local are allowed as values. Further validation is based on the trust type. For AD trust, only one of ipa-ad-trust or ipa-ad-trust-posix is allowed.

Please note that setting this attribute overrides any detection-based decision that is otherwise performed. You can set ipa-ad-trust-posix range type using this option for a trust with AD which does not have IdM for Unix support and therefore would not get any users from the AD. The reasoning behind this behaviour is that admin should have authoritative way to set the range type, since the detection might fail. Generally, you should not need to force the range type using the –range-type option.

Major configuration options and enablement#




Updates and Upgrades#

On package update (or whenever ipa-upgradeconfig is ran), all ID ranges that do not have the ipaRangeType attribute set, have the attribute value filled in according to their objectclass:

  • ranges with ipatrustedaddomainrange objectclass are assigned ipa-ad-trust type

  • ranges with ipadomainidrange objectclass are assigned ipa-local type



External Impact#


Backup and Restore#


Test Plan#

Test scenarios that will be transformed to test cases for FreeIPA Continuous Integration during implementation or review phase.

Common assumptions#

  • FreeIPA server:

  • Active Directory:

These tests assume AD with POSIX support. More detailed info about the particular setup steps can be found in the test cases below.

RFE Author#
