
Promote a self-signed FreeIPA CA#

FreeIPA officially never supported installations with –selfsign option, i.e. FreeIPA servers which do not use Certificate Authority but only use a self-signed certificate stored in a local NSS certificate database to sign certificates. Thus, official user guides do not have a procedure how to promote a replica in such environment to serve as a new master CA.

This HOWTO should help Administrator promote such replica to a master CA which is able to sign new certificates. This may be useful for example when the old FreeIPA master server is to be decommissioned and is being replaced with a new replica. Please note, that if you have two promoted FreeIPA replicas, certificate serial numbers may clash unless you manually configure proper offset in /var/lib/ipa/ca_serialno.

Procedure to install and promote a new self-signed replica#

  1. Install a replica

# ipa-replica-install
  1. Copy CA serial number setting from master to replica:

# scp /var/lib/ipa/ca_serialno root@REPLICA:/var/lib/ipa/
  1. On replica, set correct owner and permissions:

# chown root:apache /var/lib/ipa/ca_serialno
# chmod 550 /var/lib/ipa/ca_serialno
  1. Restore SELinux context on serial file:

# restorecon  var/lib/ipa/ca_serialno
  1. Copy master CA certificate and pwdfile.txt to replica:

# scp /etc/httpd/alias/cacert.p12 /etc/httpd/alias/pwdfile.txt root@REPLICA:~/
  1. On replica, import the CA certificate:

# pk12util -i ~/cacert.p12 -w ~/pwdfile.txt -d /etc/httpd/alias/ -k /etc/httpd/alias/pwdfile.txt

7. The list of certificates in NSS database (including the one imported) can be listed with:

# certutil -L -d /etc/httpd/alias/

However, since pk12util import util is not capable of setting a correct certificate nickname, the imported certificate will have a nickname like CN=$REALM Certificate Authority, which is not recognized by IPA certificate system.

The following procedure can be used set a correct nickname of the certificate (replace $REALM with your realm):

  1. Export the certificate

# certutil -d /etc/httpd/alias/ -L -n 'CN=$REALM Certificate Authority' -a > ~/cacert.crt

b) Delete the old certificate (NSS database /etc/httpd/alias/ should be backed up before this step):

# certutil -d /etc/httpd/alias/ -D -n 'CN=$REALM Certificate Authority'

  1. Import the certificate with correct nickname:

# certutil -A -n "$REALM IPA CA" -d /etc/httpd/alias/ -f /etc/httpd/alias/pwdfile.txt \
  -i /root/cacert.crt -a -t CTu,u,Cu
  1. Enable certificate operations on IPA replica:

# echo "enable_ra=True" >> /etc/ipa/default.conf

  1. Reload replica web server to pick up new configuration:

# service httpd reload

Category:How to